Our team at Carolina Pressure Pros wants to help you take the best care of your pool, including the pool deck. We offer thorough pool deck washing services to keep this area clean, prevent damage, and increase poolside safety.
In this article, we’ll explain more about why we encourage you to make pool deck washing a part of your maintenance routine.
- Appearances – The first reason why we encourage you to use our pool deck washing services is because doing so will keep your pool area looking great. Our team knows how to get rid of even the most stubborn stains on your pool deck, and we offer soft-washing services to provide long-term protection against stain-causing organisms such as algae.
- Water Quality – As we mentioned above, many of the stains that develop on your pool deck are caused by organic growth, such as algae, mildew, and mold. If you let these organisms linger on your pool deck, there’s a significant chance they will end up in your pool water, too, which can lead to problems with the water balance and quality. Using our pool deck washing services will help keep your pool water clean, balanced, and ready for swimming.
- Safety – A third reason to use our pool deck cleaning services is because a clean pool deck is safer than a dirty and stained one. Organic growth such as algae makes concrete, wood, and other surfaces slippery, which leads to an increased risk of slip and fall accidents around the pool, even when people make sure to walk, not run. Our pool deck washing experts will get rid of this growth to ensure the deck provides adequate traction.
We want to help you keep your pool area clean and inviting, so reach out today to learn more about our pool deck washing services or to get started with scheduling an appointment with our team.